Mission: The Ballet Slipper Conservatory is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization whose primary objective is to provide public classical ballet performances, provide lecture demonstrations and performances to local school district and community organizations, and to generally promote the performing arts.

Vision: To promote local talent and involvement in the performing arts, The Ballet Slipper Conservatory of Oak Harbor conducts two large-scale classical ballet performances per year. Production themes are family oriented in order to attract and familiarize a wide range of the public with ballet.

To heighten awareness and interest of local organizations in the performing arts, The Ballet Slipper Conservatory conducts numerous small-scale ballet demonstrations at senior citizen centers, schools, churches, and similar type locations in Oak Harbor and nearby communities.

Values: The Ballet Slipper Conservatory is Oak Harbor’s only nonprofit dance company. Every year, TBSC produces two major shows - spring and winter performances. Ballet Mistress Diane Geragotelis, “Miss Diane,” conceives each TBSC production. She then spends the next 6 months selecting the perfect music, choreographing all the dances, designing and sewing all the costumes, and teaching the students.

TBSC believes that the performing arts should be accessible to all. TBSC does not subscribe to the industry standard of charging dancers to perform in a production and requiring them to purchase expensive costumes or pay for costume cleaning. Accordingly, all TBSC shows are produced at no cost to the performers. It is for the love of ballet that TBSC provides this unique opportunity for dancers of all ages, backgrounds, and income levels to showcase their talent.